Ethiopian Savanna
40 million years hence

40 million years in the future, the continent of Africa has broken in two along the Ethiopian rift valley. As the Somali Plate moved to the east, the new continent of Somalia was severed by sea from mainland Africa 30 million years prior. The two African continents, while similar in climate, have evolved completely different faunas. As Africa collides with Europe, allowing for faunal intermixture, East Africa remains isolated, and undergoing a unique path of evolution.

A significant component of East African faunas are the antrats: tiny, eusocial burrowing rodents that construct mounds and complex societies. New species have arisen to specifically feed upon these, such as rodent-specialist hyenas and birds. Other members of the East African savanna ecosystem include predatory baboons, antelopes, and numerous pig species.

Eastern manticore Greater ant-hyena Scimitar hog Stalking-hornbill
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