The Ultimozoic
381-600 million years hence

The last era of the Phanerozoic, the Ultimozoic starts with high oxygen levels in the wake of the Neozoic. Pangaea Ultima splits into two smaller supercontinents, Zephyr and Euroboreas. As the Ultimozoic continues, these continents fragment more and more. With many groups of vertebrates and plants having gone extinct by now, previous underdog organisms such as arthropods, worms, and fungi rise to prominence.

Although carbon dioxide levels steadily decrease through the Ultimozoic, global temperatures increase due to the expansion of the aging sun. The Ultimozoic is witness to the last, short glacial period. The era - and the Phanerozoic eon - ends with the impact of cosmic rays from the death of a nearby star, leading to yet another mass extinction.

Explore the Ultimozoic

Barbaran-Joaquinian Extinction
390 million years
400 million years
Nanshe Sea
440 million years
Southern Ocean
520 million years
550 million years
595 million years
Matean-Queenslandian Extinction